Thursday, August 16, 2007

Another year

Well another year has gone by, it is time to go back to school. My last race is on Saturday in Dillon. It is going to be a crit, then right as that is done i am going straight up to GJ for school. No more mountain bike racing foe me, i am going to race cross for TIAA-CREF/CLIF BAR team. That should be a lot of fun and i am looking forward to it,i will actually have a team and not just a lot of little kids. I am not looking forward to all the drives back to Denver for the cross races but o well, sacrifices. Team video.I didn't get my upgrade this year i was 6 points away, but you never know i still have one more race left. It should be nice to go back to GJ and get settled back in but i just don't want to start school on Monday. O well what can you do?

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